Our Purpose:

To advocate for and empower survivors of covert narcissist abuse. We make a commitment to provide compassion, education, and resources to help victims heal and reclaim their lives. We offer personalized coaching, online support groups, educational materials, and a survivor community to help victims understand their experiences, establish boundaries, and build resilience. We deliver on our promise through trained coaches, who are also victims of covert narcissist abuse and have lived through the same pain and understand first-hand the type of support that is needed.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to create a future where covert narcissist abuse is widely understood and survivors have access to the support and resources they need to heal and thrive. We aim to bring awareness to this often overlooked form of abuse, educate people on the red flags, and empower survivors to break free. Our ultimate goal is to shed light on this destructive pattern so survivors can find validation, perpetrators can be held accountable, and new victims can be spared. We envision a world where covert narcissism no longer festers in the shadows, but is dragged into the light.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to advocate for and empower survivors of covert narcissistic abuse. We are committed to providing compassion, education, and resources to help victims heal and reclaim their lives.

Our Core Values:

Empowerment: We believe in empowering abuse survivors to reclaim their self-worth and heal.

Compassion: We approach every survivor with empathy, care and understanding.

Education: We are committed to raising awareness and educating on covert narcissism and its impacts.

Advocacy: We advocate for survivors by amplifying their voices and stories.

Community: We foster a supportive community for survivors to connect and heal together.

Respect: We respect the experiences and boundaries of each unique survivor.

Integrity: We operate with sincerity, honesty and accountability in serving our community.

Hope: We aim to inspire hope and resilience in survivors rebuilding their lives.

What Life Is Like With A Covert Narcissist 


Life with a covert narcissist is an intricate web of confusion, filled with constant ups and downs, highs and lows. The overwhelming sense of brokenness and the gradual erosion of one's soul can leave an individual feeling empty and isolated. The manipulation tactics employed by covert narcissists are remarkably similar, leading to near-identical stories among victims. The support and validation that victims can find in connecting with one another can be more impactful than traditional therapy.

Partners of covert narcissists often bear the brunt of their toxic behavior, as they are the only ones who witness this side of their personality. Covert narcissists are skilled at putting on a mask in front of others, presenting themselves as likable and upstanding individuals. Behind closed doors, however, life with a covert narcissist becomes a never-ending cycle of manipulation, emotional abuse, and extreme highs followed by extreme lows. 

If you suspect that you are in a relationship with a covert narcissist, it is crucial to prioritize your own well-being and take steps to protect yourself.
